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Dewatering a construction site is almost always a requirement. Dewatering involves removing the groundwater from the site through pumping or evaporation. Dewatering before excavation begins to lower the groundwater table to an appropriate level. Most construction sites need dewatering to remove the water that builds up in trenches, excavations, or in areas that have an insufficient slope.

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They have been established for more than 20 years and currently have offices in the UK, Australia and Asia. They work on both permanent opportunities and freelance assignments. As a result of their continued success and huge expansion plans within the business, they are looking to add an experienced Recruitment Consultant to join their successful team in London. They are particularly interested in recruiters with experience of recruiting developers either front end or back end. With your energy and passion for all things digital and tech you will build a pipeline of candidates and clients across perm, contract and freelance roles. In addition to the competitive basic salary and generous commission structure, the company offers pension, medical and life insurance as well as season ticket loans, regular team building events and monthly prizes for their top performers.

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